Best Reads
North Sea supply chain needs oil firms to increase activity quickly (The Herald Scotland)
Some investors who were long O&G after the downturn are cautiously enjoying returns as majors report profitable earnings on trimmed operations (e.g. BP, Shell, Total, Equinor, ConocoPhillips). “BP stoked interest in the exploration potential of the North Sea in January when it announced it had made two finds and said it expected to double production […]
Elliott Interview on thyssenkrupp in Die Welt (German only)
Elliott argues it is not pushing for a break-up of thyssenkrupp but that it is in favour selling smaller parts of the business and pursuing more JVs.
Tycoon’s Sputtering Italian Bank Investment Draws Angst From ECB (Bloomberg)
Italian banks, such as Carige, continue to complicate the ECB’s attempts to put the European banking crisis in the past.
House of Fraser rescue deal faces delay while legal action is settled (Guardian)
Landlords’ challenge to HoF CVA proposed closures complicates C.Banner’s plans for cash injection.
EU Bank-Failure Rules Leave Volksbanken With Liquidity to Burn
Will be interesting to see how Volksbanken’s TLAC increase will play out in the coming years…
Swiss battery maker Leclanché announces debt restructuring
Leclanché announces debt-to-equity swap converting CHF 24 million of debt into equity issued to major shareholder FEFAM
Credit insurance crunch time for high street
Suppliers are struggling to find routes to market for big-volume orders, as credit insurance is withdrawn from troubled high street retailers
The Novo Note Group responds to Novo Banco’s Annual Results
The Novo Note Group responds to Novo Banco’s annual results.