“The transition to a “new normality” will last six to eight weeks, explains Pedro Sánchez, with continuing restrictions on travel to other provinces and Spanish islands.” – by Carlos E. Cué, Javier Salvatierra and Isabel Valdés and Simon Hunter
Government Ownership in the Post Virus World (Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance)
“Faced with a choice of lending to or investing in failing national champions, a number of governments have opted for the latter, nationalizing airlines, hospitals, automotive firms and other ‘crown jewels’.” – by Alissa Kole Amico
This pandemic is redrawing the global investment landscape (International Investment)
“Covid-19 expected to trigger a massive plunge in foreign direct investment and reinforce protectionist policies among leading recipients.” – by Yigal Chazan
March 2020 UK Monetary Policy Summary (Bank of England)
“The Government has announced a series of substantial fiscal support measures to alleviate some of the severe cashflow problems facing businesses and households. The Bank of England also has a role to play in supporting businesses and households through the economic disruption associated with Covid-19.”
Libor Transition Plans Could Take Hit From COVID-19 Turmoil (Law 360)
“But depending on how much additional stress the pandemic puts on the financial system in the next two quarters, Chorazak said banking regulators could feel compelled to dial back their expectations for planning progress.” – by Jon Hill